The Meeting
I wanted to throw up.
Here I was sitting in a room full of well-known evangelical leaders saying positive things about then- candidate Donald Trump, talking as if he was the best hope for all Americans.
Of course, none of them could publicly “endorse” him, but their exuberance for him was obvious.
How could they be so blinded? Did they not see what I could see? Did they not see Trump was contrary to everything they stood for…so contrary to Christ?
Many of them I highly respected. Many were mentors in the faith – ones who had taught me so much about hearing God.
How is it they were hearing something so radically different than me? Especially after I had clearly heard the complete opposite.
Some of them talked about the many private hours they had spent with Trump and how he really listened to them and was respectful. They talked about his love for ALL Americans.
What? You’re kidding me, right?
I wanted to stand up and shout, “You fools!!! Don’t you realize he’s manipulating you? As soon as he wins, you’re all gone. You’re just pawns!”
Of course, then they’d know my secret. Continue reading