Honestly thinking (& rethinking) about God, the universe, and everything in between

Category: Politics (Page 1 of 2)

Are You Holy or A-holy?

(11 Character Traits to Test Yourself)

I don’t cuss.

There’s no judgment there, as I hang around many different circles of friends and am never offended by those who do. But I made a personal decision decades ago to not make it a regular part of my vocabulary.

Those close to me are typically shocked if they hear me utter an occasional curse word; but they also recognize it was deliberate – either to make it clear I’m serious THIS time or to throw them off for fun.

Who was I to be the judge of people’s a**holery?

Thus, it surprised me several years ago when I had a series of vivid dreams where I drove people to repentance by calling them “a**holes.” And, yes, I would use the full word (if you want to fill in the asterisks). In one dream, I called a guy an a**hole and a demon came out of him.

Of course, all of us have those dreams where we wake up thinking, “that was weird,” and then move on in life. But these dreams seemed meaningful. I couldn’t shake the feeling there was a deeper message.

But what did they mean? Was I being called by God to start an actual ministry of telling people they were “a**holes?”

Looking at the world around me, there was certainly no lack of qualified customers. Religious people and fellow Christians were no exception. 

But who was I to be the judge of people’s a**holery? After all, I could think of plenty of times from my own life where I fit the bill. And how does one go about calling other people “a**holes” without becoming one in the process?

Furthermore, what exactly qualifies someone as an a**hole in the first place? Certainly, there were many out there I would give the label to who simply saw themselves as doing what is right. Was there some official “line” that separates the a**hole from the good? There’s an entire subreddit titled “Am I the A**hole” (AITA) in which people try to figure out if they have crossed that line. Opinions are often varied.

But are human beings who often act as a**holes and subject to their own biases really a good measure of the bad vs. good? It is my belief that our current culture wars (in politics, on social media, etc.) are a search for that mysterious line, with many self-assuredly proclaiming they are the official arbiters of it.

But who gets to be the final judge? Not me, for sure. If this was to be a ministry, I needed to know what God thinks? What standard does the Foundational Being that created, designed and operates the whole universe use to measure people? Continue reading

The Pursuit of Trump: How Your Choice Could be a Faithless Act

Our “hero” surveyed the landscape.

The enemy had the upper hand. His own troops quaked with fear. Many had deserted their posts.

The consequences were dire. Our hero’s once great nation was at war, and they were losing ground. The people’s future depended on the very choices he alone made today. 

Should they lose this battle, his nation faced extinction by a Pagan enemy whose culture was bent on destroying his people’s very identity as a chosen nation of the one true God.

The time for waiting patiently had passed. Something needed to be done NOW!

What appeared on the outside to be a faithful act turned out ultimately to be…faithless.

Thus, with no other choice, Saul did the one thing he could do offer burnt offerings to God.

But what was meant as an attempt to gain God’s favor in the midst of desperation was soon met with the greatest of rebukes by Saul’s spiritual advisor.

“What have you done?!” exclaimed the prophet Samual. “You have done a foolish thing. You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you!”

The consequences of King Saul’s one single choice on that one single day were quite severe his kingdom would not endure (1 Sam 13).

What appeared on the outside to be a faithful act of Saul turned out ultimately to be…faithless.

Before continuing, let me be upfront by saying I am no less guilty of committing faithless acts. Scientists estimate that the average human makes about 35,000 choices per day, and I am quite certain that a large percentage of my 35,000 choices are committed out of faithlessness rather than faithfulness.

I am also quite certain I have been faithless at times when entering the voting booth or throwing my weight behind a political opinion. What I may have thought in the past were acts of faith, upon further reflection, turned out actually to be faithless.

But how does one determine what is “faithful” and what is “faithless?”

The Bible is full of stories of humankind committing both faithful and faithless acts, along with the consequences that follow. An examination of all of these stories reveals the following themes that are repeated throughout: Continue reading

WWWJD: What Would “Woke” Jesus Do

I have never been a fan of the WWJD (“What Would Jesus Do”) phrase. It sets up the idea of Jesus as merely an exemplary human from the past that we are supposed to copycat, as opposed to someone we  can be in dynamic relationship with in following today.

In addition, the Biblical accounts of Jesus show him as a first century middle eastern man reacting to a very specific set of situations in a very specific culture that we cannot easily translate to our modern western world. While certainly the integrity of his character would remain the same, beyond that it becomes a guessing game of how exactly Jesus would react to every modern situation. The result is that we often manipulate him to be the kind of Jesus we want him to be and to justify our preconceived notions.

There is in the West, after all, on one far end of the spectrum a “social Jesus,” that stands as proof that the central point of Christianity is that we are to do good works by demolishing all power structures and setting up a future utopia with a completely equitable society. On the other far end is “American National Jesus” whose teachings led to the foundations of building the greatest nation the earth has ever seen. Followers of American National Jesus, of course, feel that we have departed from those beginning principles and that our central priority right now is to fight against all those “woke” social Jesus people in order to live out the freedoms that Christ truly intended.

In all my years of both studying and getting to know Jesus, of course, I have found that he is not always as predictable as we would like him to be, and that he is not so easily boxed in. In truth, that is one of the things that so much attracts me to him.

And that is why when my wife suggested the title “WWWJD: What Would ‘Woke’ Jesus Do” for a recent article I wrote for Baptist News Global, the idea of it really intrigued me. Baptist News didn’t end up going with that title, but I wanted to include the article here for my Honestly Thinking readers because, while Jesus can’t be boxed, I think there are certain things about Jesus’s character that remain true for all situations and that should challenge both ends of the spectrum in terms of the gospel we share and how we truly love our neighbor.

Please read the article here.

In a Facebook post I also followed up the article with the following words: Continue reading

XYZ: Your Arrogance is Showing

The World’s #1 Leading Expert on Arrogance Weighs In

As I have tried desperately to educate you all before, I hold the distinguished honor of being the most arrogant person in the world — which, of course, makes me the number one leading expert on the subject of arrogance.

Despite my superior article on the subject, I’m still continuing to see an extreme amount of arrogance throughout the world, and I am sure you all have been waiting with bated breath for me to weigh in once again.

But first, a story from my remarkable life:

What was intended as a beautiful and diverse representation of the entire student body experience instead became an open display of egocentric arrogance.

It was my last year of high school and the entire senior class of nearly 600 students had gathered in the gymnasium for its final assembly of the year … and final assembly of our secondary school life. It was a time for recognition awards and for celebrating the four years we had spent together. **

At one point our school’s vice-principal stood up to announce that two senior girls had managed to put together a slideshow for us to be able to look back fondly at those extraordinary four years. “Fantastic!” I thought, “This ought to be fun.” Continue reading


We hear it continually.

It pervades the social atmosphere.

Seeping in like an odorless gas, it invades every crevice.

Its toxicity eats away at our collective conscience.

And Its destructive symptoms cause us to spew more bile substance – its contagiousness spreading like a plague from one victim to the next.

None of us are asymptomatic, because if you listen closely, you’ll see it on social media, in headlines and articles, on news sites, on college campuses, in office hallways, in churches, mosques and synagogues, at dinner table conversations, during protest marches, and in just plain everyday speech.

An insidious use of a word – with a mortality rate that threatens to destroy us all.

I’m talking about the use of the word “they.”

It’s not the word itself but the way it’s often used.

It’s what’s at the heart.

A single actor makes an outrageous statement, and immediately it becomes about everyone who works in the entertainment business.

“Those Hollywood Elitists, THEY are trying to destroy America with their radicalized agenda!”

A church leader fails.

“Those Christian hypocrites, THEY are all just charlatans, getting rich off deluding ignorant followers!” Continue reading

Split-Brain and the REAL Reason People are Leaving the Church, Part 2

In July of 2019, Joshua Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye and the person largely credited with advancing the “purity culture” movement, shocked the evangelical Christian world when he announced on Instagram, “I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is ‘deconstruction,’ the biblical phrase is ‘falling away.’ By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian.”

Just a few weeks later, Marty Sampson, worship leader and songwriter for Hillsong, sent a second shockwave as he likewise proclaimed, “Time for some real talk… I’m genuinely losing my faith… and it doesn’t bother me… like, what bothers me now is nothing… I am so happy now, so at peace with the world… it’s crazy.”

Then in May of 2020, Jon Steingard, lead singer of the popular Christian band Hawk Nelson, posted “After growing up in a Christian home, being a pastor’s kid, playing and singing in a Christian band, and having the word ‘Christian’ in front of most of the things in my life – I am now finding that I no longer believe in God.”

Hidden behind this wave of well-known individuals is a growing number of men and women who have quietly slipped away from the church, many simply finding new ways to practice their faith and others leaving behind faith entirely. A significant number of them had spent most of their lives in the church, some of them serving as leaders and pastors, before realizing that they could no longer reconcile their actions with what they truly believed.

In revealing words, Marty Sampson went on to say, “I want genuine truth. Not the ‘I just believe it’ kind of truth. Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion. Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God. Got so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it real.”

Real. A word often cited by those struggling with faith.

In Part 1 of this series I noted what I consider to be the underlying thread behind people leaving their faith communities: people have a need to believe in something that is real and they’re simply not finding it in the church.

Also in Part 1, I explained some of the neuroscience, combined with harmful theology, that I believe has contributed to this, particularly in Western society. I highly encourage you to read it before proceeding, as it will make a lot more sense of what I have to say in the upcoming sections. For those who have already read it, here is a shortened summary: Continue reading

Split-Brain and the REAL Reason People are Leaving the Church, Part 1

I had already been working on an article exploring reasons people in the Western world are leaving the Christian church in significant numbers when I learned about the fascinating case of “split-brain” surgeries – something that totally blew my mind (no pun intended).

In the 1960s Roger Sperry, Joseph Bogen and colleagues performed an experimental surgery, officially known as corpus callosotomy, on multiple patients who suffered from epileptic seizures. The procedure involved severing the corpus callosum which connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Though the procedure is no longer performed today it turned out to be highly successful and, for the most part, patients were able to go on to live normal, healthy lives. But it wasn’t long, however, before split-brain patients noticed some peculiar and fascinating side effects.

One patient reported reaching into the closet with the right hand to pick out an outfit, only to have the left hand pick something different and refuse to put it back. A man found himself going to embrace his wife with one arm while his other arm simultaneously pushed her away.

On a more dangerous level, a female patient relayed that when she was driving her left hand would snatch the steering wheel from the right. She also reported her left hand: unfolding sheets her other hand had folded, closing doors the other had opened, and snatching money back that her right hand offered to a cashier.

In short, because each side of the body is controlled by the two different halves of the brain (the left side by the right hemisphere, the right side by the left hemisphere) these side effects seemed to indicate that the two hemispheres of the brain have two completely separate, and sometimes competing, wills.

So what does this have to do with people leaving the church?

One half of the person’s brain had faith and the other half was an atheist.

Here’s where things get even more interesting. Split-brain patients naturally became the subjects of further brain experiments. Able to selectively control input to each hemisphere, neuroscientists used the opportunity to direct various questions (via input to the left versus right eye or ear, for example) in order to determine how each half separately handles various functions or attitudes.

In one experiment, V.S. Ramachandran reportedly asked a patient, “Do you believe in God?” The response from one hemisphere was “Yes” and the other hemisphere was “No.”

In other words, one half of the person’s brain had faith and the other half was an atheist.

What does this mean? Is our faith biologically controlled and entirely dependent upon whether we are “left brained” or “right brained?” 

My answer is that it’s a bit more complicated than that. But what I hope to demonstrate throughout the rest of this article is what I have come to believe is the root cause of the mass exodus from the church in Western society – we are all operating out of a “split-brain” mode, largely dominated by left-brained only thinking.

Such thinking has infiltrated the Christian church itself for years, creating an unsustainable belief system largely removed from the type of lived-out faith that Christ intended. The consequences are that the jig is up, the dominoes are now starting to fall and people no longer see the God who has been presented as something that is real. Continue reading

The Amazing Polarizer Translator™!

Do you feel like whenever you make a comment in public or on social media people completely misunderstand what you are saying?

Are you tired of the same endless arguments that go in circles because no one can ever see eye to eye? Are you concerned about the increasing polarization in our society?

Do you wish you could understand where other people are coming from when they seem to have come from a different planet (or even universe)?

Have we got the solution for you!


Working for hours on end, scientists from Honestly Thinking Labs have developed a special device for being able to translate precisely what the heck the person on the polar opposite side of the social, cultural or political spectrum may actually be thinking.

Operation of the device is simple. All you have to do is plug in a potential polarizing phrase and our instrumentation, through a series of intricate, patented (and even magical) formulas, will return two results:

  • The first will be a translation of the Intended Meaning of the communicator of the message (the IM).
  • The second will be a translation of what a person on the Polar Opposite side of the spectrum may actually hear instead (the PO).

As an example, we input the below phrase into the PT device and received the enlightening results that follow:

Phrase: “My favorite pizza is pineapple and ham.”
IM: “The tangy taste of tomato combined with the exquisite flavor of ham and the succulent sweetness of pineapple on a delectable cheese crusted bread makes for the most pleasurable of fine dining experiences.”
PO: “I like slimy worms on my pizza.”

This product is not yet available for market, but once it is you’ll want to act FAST!

Below are additional sample inputs to help whet your appetite for this most amazing time-saving (and potentially life-saving) device**: Continue reading

Sorry, Fellow White Conservative Males, I’ve Got to Separate Myself on This

First, to settle this up front. I still call myself conservative.

I’m still with you on the importance of personal responsibility and limited government.

I’m still with you in contending that free market capitalism offers the best opportunity for everyone.

I’m still with you in advocating for the life of the unborn and holding that traditional families are the building block of our society.

I’m still with you in endorsing the freedom to express one’s faith and in believing that scripture, like the constitution, should be interpreted according to the authors’ original intent.

But as I’ve watched your various responses to the recent events in Charlottesville…

…as I’ve observed many of you simultaneously try to distance yourselves from the racist alt-right while also minimalizing it by pointing fingers at the media and the counter-protesters and their “inaccurate” understanding of confederate symbolism and historical facts…

…as I’ve witnessed you defend a typically no-holds-barred, “un-presidential,” unconcerned-with-facts leader as he suddenly became more reserved, “presidential,” and concerned with facts “on both sides” with this particular group…

I have to be honest…

Sorry, fellow white conservative males, I’ve got to separate myself on this.

In fact, it is my conservative belief…

…that the intent of the constitution was to give the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

…that the intent of scripture was not only that you love God but also “love your neighbor as yourself”

…that absolutely demands it.

I know I may not be describing all of you in regards to your recent responses, but what I’m talking about is actually much bigger than just this one event.

I’ve observed it particularly over the last year and half.

I’ve observed it in your various responses to different events.

Perhaps it’s just gotten worse, or perhaps the problem’s been there all along and I’m just beginning now to wake up.

What I’m talking about is either your inability or absolute refusal to listen to and believe other people’s stories. Continue reading


The words felt good.

Just a few simple words replying to comments on someone’s post

enough to knock them down a few inches and build my own self worth.

Then sit back and count the number of likes,

never minding who gets hurt

…in my war of words.

Words that were so filling and yet so          empty.


Funny things they are

just utterances of sounds

and a bunch of .dots and lines and curves

and yet so powerful in everything they do.

They start wars and bring peace.

They destroy relationships and make best friends.

Whisper “I love you” and you build a new bond.

Utter “I do” and you start a new life

write We the People and a whole new nation is born. Continue reading

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