The words felt good.
Just a few simple words replying to comments on someone’s post
enough to knock them down a few inches and build my own self worth.
Then sit back and count the number of likes,
never minding who gets hurt
…in my war of words.
Words that were so filling and yet so empty.
Funny things they are
just utterances of sounds
and a bunch of .dots and lines and curves
and yet so powerful in everything they do.
They start wars and bring peace.
They destroy relationships and make best friends.
Whisper “I love you” and you build a new bond.
Utter “I do” and you start a new life
write “We the People“ and a whole new nation is born.
A baby’s first can bring such joy.
And others like
“So proud…”
“We’re promoting you…”
“You changed my life”
“It’s a girl!”
can make your day.
While ones like
“It’s over”
“We’re letting you go”
“You’re worthless”
“Sorry to inform you…”
can break your heart.
Words are as powerful as the spark of a forest fire
so the book called the Word says.
With the power of life and death.
As recent tragic news events even tell
words have the leverage to kill
through the simple act of a text or tweet.
But also the privilege to restore
with words like
“I need help”
“Let’s start over”
“I forgive.”
Words have the influence to paint instant pictures in your mind:
“tulip” “horizon”
“lips” “mountains”
Yet the arrogance to annoy:
“phlegm” “synergy”
And three simple words
“Let there be…”
had the command quite literally
to create the universe in which we live
and the beginning of life itself.
Words can get you hired, words can get you fired
they hurt you in spite of what the idiom says.
They can be misplaced or censored or misunderstood
or lead down a rabbit trail of lies
or usher in the exposure of truth.
We are surrounded by them everywhere
from “good morning” to “good night”
on our signs, on our phones,
on screens everywhere
we can’t get away from them
nor get enough.
And the words we see most lately as I scroll my phone morning, noon and night
are words of frustration, conspiracy and taking sides.
Who’s the liar? Who’s the bigot?
Who’s the smartest? Who’s the idiot?
Who should we give a platform?
And who should we SHUT UP???
Words. Everyone wants the first and the last.
Sometimes it makes me want to scream:
Anyone who reads me may notice recently I’ve been a bit more quiet.
Ironically, I’ve found myself lately with a surprising absence of
A sort of writer’s block.
But not the kind where you lack creativity
not the kind where you don’t have words to say
(trust me, I’ve still got plenty)
but the kind where you question their worth.
In the overabundance of words out there
amidst the war of words that is going on
amongst the platitudes and insults
between the showmanship and berating
in the midst of proofs, opinions, investigations and blogs
can my words do any good?
And how do I keep my words from getting caught in the same war?
the war I love and hate
the war that feels so good
..and empty.
“And the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us.”
These words give me life.
the Word himself gives me life.
“In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
How do I make sure my words bring life and light?
and not empty?
I wrote a political post once that went viral
it was the only one that went viral
it was the only one that God didn’t tell me to write.
Ha. The humor in that.
In it, I joined the war.
I took sides and went on the attack.
I sat back and enjoyed the comments, the shares, the likes.
It made me feel good when people complemented it.
It made me feel powerful when persons opposed it.
I fought back to show off my intellectual prowess and might.
But where was the life in that?
Influence was my excuse. After all I was trying to stop hate.
But soon enough people started sharing my post as an act of hate itself.
Where was the light in that?
Eventually, I realized that post just wasn’t me
or God.
And I just couldn’t do that type again no matter what the cost
viral or not.
Am I capable? Oh, I’ve got skills.
A very special set of skills.
The kind that can cut and shred my enemies to pieces…
…with words.
And I’ve been tempted that’s for sure.
You should see the ones I’ve written many times in my head.
And when I can stand it no more sometimes I slip up
and sneak my way onto the comment sections of other people’s blogs
and commit my snide remarks to show my superior worth.
Empty words.
It’s not just fear of the value of words that holds me back, though.
I’ve attempted to write several articles lately but God kept telling me
And I now realize he’s been teaching me the important art of
What if all my words first started with Silence?
What if it all started with listening and waiting?
What if before jumping into the fray of war I always waited
to hear his voice?
the voice of life and light?
A voice with a powerful name called
A name that gives some people peace
and makes others cringe.
Would my words become light and life then?
Powerful words. Powerful Word.
And what if the whole world practiced Silence?
What if amidst the assaulting and screaming and debating and belittling
we all stopped our words
just for a day
and had a moment of
just to think a little
just to reflect
to listen
What would our words become then?
*”Words Everywhere” image courtesy DIN BCN @flickr
Very well done and gives powerful message. Our minister spoke on the same subject this morning.
What a beautiful post. Listening isn’t easy. And even when accomplished, we are still likely to hear a different meaning as it comes through our individual filters. We have pre-packaged arguments based on our life experience, which are almost impossible to overcome. And every time I do overcome it, and somehow manage the clarity to get my words just right– no one seems to notice.
Thanks for reading and for your comments.
And for anyone else out there reading this I want you to know that while “Life After Doubt” and I are in 2 different places both “spiritually” and “politically” she is one of the few people out there that chooses not to engage in the “war of words.” She engages well in the art of listening and I believe practices her own form of silence before speaking.
Worth reading even if just to understand a differing perspective.